četrtek, 29. maj 2014

Katy Perry Is Cosmopolitan"s First-Ever Global Cover Girl, Will Star On 62 Separate Issues - Webmaster News

New Post has been published on http://www.outils-webmaster.eu/katy-perry-is-cosmopolitans-first-ever-global-cover-girl-will-star-on-62-separate-issues/

As if you needed any reason to believe Katy Perry is an international icon, Cosmopolitan announced Wednesday that the ever-changing haired singer will be their first global cover star — meaning she will be featured on all 62 editions of the mag worldwide.

And the cover is nothing short of a celebration, with her new green ‘do and a multi-colored minidress (totally channeling a “Firework,” we might add.) But don’t worry, the interview inside the glossy promises to be just as exciting. Perry sat down with Chelsea Handler and talked everything — from exes to the longest she’s ever gone without sex. Basically, you’re going to want to see this for yourself.

Be sure to pick up a copy on newsstands June 3, and to see the many different versions of the cover, click here.



Source http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/28/katy-perry-global-cosmopolitan-cover_n_5405676.html?utm_hp_ref=style&ir=Style

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